面议 | |
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不限量 | |
自买家付款之日起3天内发货 | |
RTN 扭环式称重传感器量程可达 470吨,并且具有极低的高度。非常适合各种大型料罐称重及汽车衡等。与其他称重传感器不同,由于使用了稳定的环形应变计,RTN 称重传感器可显着地减小横向和侧向载荷的影响。
高输入电阻和低功耗使其非常适合采用电池供电的测量单元。高温型号(高达110°C)非常适用于铸造应用。保护等级高达 IP68 / IP69K,因此其可以在极度潮湿的环境和室外使用。 IECEx-ATEX 型号可用于可能爆炸性的环境中使用。
额定量程: 1 t 到 470 t
精度等级: 高达 C3
保护等级: IP68/IP69K
高信噪比,由于采用了 2.85 mV / V 输出信号
高输入电阻 (> 4,350 ohms) 确保更小的电流损耗
贸易秤称重系统,HBM 3,000 d (OIML R60)
– 的技术性能
更宽的温度范围 -30 °C 到 +80 °C (可选HBM达 +110 °C)
防爆版本(例如 IECEx-AI 1/21)
可用于恶劣环境 – 不锈钢测量体, IP68保护等级 (可选: IP69K) , 可用于可能爆炸环境
可连接 14 个传感器
采用 RTN/M 称重模块,可快速集成到系统中
应用广泛灵活 – 多种附件和型号可选
Stainless steel, hermetic encapsulation according to the highest protection class, as well as different versions of explosion hazard areas pursuant to the latest ATEX Directive are used as a matter of course.
Large output from 2,85mV/V
Small minimum application range Y = 20,000
Low power consumption
Input resistance 4,400 ohms
Lowest possible measured value influence by transverse forces
A complete range of fitted components for even the most demanding requirements
Legal for trade versions are available in classes C3, C4, C5, C3MI, and C4MI in accordance with PTB test certificate D09-00.24 according to OIML R60.
The output resistance is, with 4k Ohm, very high-impedance, therefore uses very little current. The RTN is thereby perfect for battery-operated mobile applications.
The annular strain gages react to loads from all directions. The RTN also records loads that would be missed by a rod-shaped load cell.
With 2.85mV/V, the RTN has a very high output signal, and therefore a greater signal to noise ratio and very high accuracy.
托驰(上海)工业传感器有限公司 | |
陈先生实姓名 |
13262793593 | |
13262793593 | |
无 | |
无 | |
上海市金山区金山卫镇金石公路505号1713室 | |
称重传感器,扭矩传感器 | |
http://tuochisensor.b2b.huangye88.com/m/ |